At Calvary Chapel Rialto Christian School, students will be provided with academic preparation in all subject areas, as well as with biblical and Christian training, in order to defend their faith at their age and grade level. CCR Christian School will prepare its students by employing the followed expected school-wide learning results:
Spiritually Growing Individuals who have experienced the regenerating power of Jesus Christ and the Word of God through the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and who strive for the highest development of each of their God-given talents and abilities. (Ephesians 1:3-4; Colossians 2:6-7)
Lifelong Learners who demonstrate reliance on God, and set realistic personal and academic goals. (Romans 12:3-8)
Critical Thinkers who carry out problem solving skills from a distinctively Christian worldview. (Philippians 4:6-9)
Effective Communicators who express themselves and their faith in worship, speaking, listening, reading, writing and mathematics. (Matthew 22:37)
Servant Leaders who practice biblical skills in developing godly relationships; able to be servants in a diverse environment and function effectively as Christians. Leaders who do not merely look out for their own personal interest but regard others as more important than themselves and are called to serve others in love. (Philippians 2:1-5; Galatians 5:13)
Healthy Individuals who understand their identity in Christ as a unique individual created in the image of God, and are physically, emotionally and spiritually fit, practicing good health habits and wise use of the body as the temple of God. (Romans 12:1-2; I Corinthians 6a:19-20)
Community Participants who understand God’s influence in history and world events, and realize their need to practice responsible citizenship through community service. (I John 3:16-18)